Itching between the toes

Itching between the fingers is a fairly common disease in the general population.symptoms of fungal itching between the toesItching alone is rare as a disease. More often, it is just a symptom of another disease. Finding out the cause of itching is not always easy. It can be anything from genetic problems to fungal diseases.

Itching is an uncontrolled need for a sick person to have a permanent mechanical effect on the skin - scratching. In almost all cases, the pruritus is neuroallergic in nature, but sometimes the pruritus is an independent disease in which no pronounced picture of dermatosis is observed. In some cases, it serves as a symptom of a skin condition in which signs of dermatosis are determined during a medical examination.

Itching is never characterized by a pronounced clinical picture, even in the most severe cases of the disease, only traces of scratching can be recorded. They are particularly prone to itchy skin where it is particularly tender, such as at the elbows, in the lumbar region, between the fingers and toes. Most often, the disease manifests itself constantly, with some patients experiencing paroxysmal itching, which is especially worse at night.

general information

Itching may be caused by redness, flaky skin. It is also common for there to be moisture in the itchy areas. All this is the body’s protective reaction to the itching that appears.

If you experience itching between your fingers or toes, check the skin folds where the irritation is located. You can find:

  • redness, changes in skin shadow;
  • exfoliation of epidermal layers;
  • signs of allergy (irritation);
  • roughening of the skin in an itchy area.

All of this suggests that you may need to see a professional dermatologist soon. You can also do the treatment. In this case, however, no one can vouch for the outcome of the treatment. It may not only not improve the situation, but it will also make it worse.

With self-care, measures such as maintaining personal hygiene, restricting access to allergens, and other simple procedures help. However, if the cause is a fungal disease or other serious medical condition, such as a genetic predisposition, a professional doctor should be treated. You should not do what you can do better and safely.

Causes of itching between the toes

The causes of itching between the toes can be varied and it can be difficult to diagnose oneself correctly.

However, if you have recently been exposed to an allergy that irritates you, this may be one of its manifestations. Even if we have not encountered such a reaction.

In addition, poor hygiene is a fairly common cause. Every person should take care of the cleanliness of their body, change their underwear and take a shower every day.

Dry skin is also a common cause. In this case, don't worry too much. All you have to do is consult a doctor, choose the right creams and apply them to your skin.

Common causes of itching:

  • fungal diseases;
  • premature replacement of canvas (toes);
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dry wine;
  • contact with sick pets;
  • genetic predisposition to the disease.

In general, all symptoms can be successfully treated at home (except for genetic disorders). All you have to do is consult a doctor and prescribe a high-quality treatment that suits you.

How to treat and where to go?

Consider seeing your doctor as soon as you notice the first signs of itching. However, if it is an allergic reaction, it is likely that the itching will go away on its own. If you are sure you don’t have allergies, you should take this problem more seriously.

First, you need to think about how often you change your underwear, perform hygiene procedures, and so on. Perhaps to get rid of the annoying itching, it is enough to just increase the frequency of such procedures.

In case of fungal disease or lichen (in pets) it is advisable to visit a private clinic or a district clinic to consult a qualified doctor. For more serious illnesses, it pinpoints the cause and treatment of the illness.

In this simple way, you can get rid of itching that prevents normal work and personal business.